The grading breakdown for this course is as follows:
Everyday Memorials essay = 10%
Midterm = 15%
Research project = 25%
Final exam = 20%
Informal writing = 30%
Informal writing includes in-class writing, preparation steps for the research paper, and other required practice. These activities will be marked ✓, ✓+, or, ✓-, with both ✓ and ✓+ earning full credit; ✓- earns half credit. It is expected there will be 16 informal writing activities during the course of the semester; see how this grade breaks down below:
15-16 completed ✓ or ✓+ = A-range; 13-14 completed ✓ or ✓+ = B-range; 11.5-12 completed ✓ or ✓+ = C-range; 10-11 completed ✓ or ✓+ = D-range; fewer than 10 completed ✓ or ✓+ = F
For additional information on grading approach, see individual assignment descriptions and FAQs.